Java and web programmer

Goodsolutionsfor yourbusiness!

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Our Main Business Services

"We offer tailored solutions for shopping cart systems, customized to meet your specific needs. Our cloud-based shopping platforms are designed to be highly cost-effective, with low latency for an optimized user experience."

We are certified on Cloud and DevOps Architectural and design and can help you in folowing area

Ifrasturcture and Architectural system design on Cloud base or Traditional base solutions
Architectural application design
Development plan as Traditional or DevOps
and developing of existing system.
We can of course help you from simple Home pages to most advance system with JMS, MQ, Databases, from JAVA SE to JAVA J2EE. From System Design to Application Design to coding. From Frontend-developing to middelware to backend with various technologies as well as EJB, Spring, JQuery, DWR, DOJO, Angular, SQL, JPA, Hibernate, JBOSS, TOMCAT, Apache Server, SONICMQ, WebspherMQ.... even on cloudbase as Azure, AWS, Openstack, Cloud foundry ... Read More

We understand that you need choises

We are working for a long term cooperation and will deliver a good service which we both should be happy
We are working for a good communication and we dare clearly say no.

More Website Templates @ March 19, 2012!

Some example of our works

We offer a range of different activity within web, enterprise or mobile application development even Cloudbase application; as an examples can be SMS(two-way verification) applications and voice-based solutions. Another area is sealing sites as:

SSLCOME is one example of our works. It is a selling site by using of differnet of latest teknologies and even Clouds technologies.
We are used Devops teminolgoy by CD, CI and CD to automated devloping, testing and delivering.

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